Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sneak peak SS 4

This is a short story that I can adapt to graphic novel form if i choose but as of yet have no incentive to do so. I feel it would rob of some of its charm; it very well could add to it as well but there are aspects of it that I feel are best left to the imagination. Well heres your sneak peak at Two Blind Mice

Two Blind Mice by Davey Garay

Kitty Litter

“Welcome to the shit hole of the world kid, welcome to hell”,
I said to the new guy my partner Phil just hired. He’s a young, nice kid still hangs out with all the mice ‘stead of the big ass rats that make up this hell hole. This town ain’t so bad s’long as you don’ mind lookin’ the other way. You see the cats run this town, like they do most other sin cities. You turn up missing if you cause any kind of trouble they don’t like. In our line of business, excuse me Private investigator Raymond Gittes at your service, as I was saying, in our line of business sometimes we ruffle up the wrong feathers and mice close to us get hurt. I learned the hard way, don’t cross the cats.
Anyways it’s a quarter to nine and I’ve had just about all I could handle of this office and this new assistant prick who would wipe my ass if I asked him to, nice kid. I grab my top hat and head for the door. Phil’s not in so I’ll have to call him once I get to the bar to check up on him, I still feel responsible.
“Hey kid, Hollis!”
“Yes boss?”
“I’m taking the rest of the night o—“
“Going home so soon boss?”
“Yes! Now if anyone calls take a message and leave it on my desk”.
“Ok sir, yes SIR!”
I walk out the door and begin walking down the hallway and I can already smell the stench of this city. Rat and cat piss. Cats will use rats to do the dirty jobs they don’t want to be caught doing or maybe they just like to watch us kill each other. Either way the cats have shit all over this place as if it were their own personal litter box. I walk out the door and smell the air, light a cig and take a long drag, feel the hell I just breathed go down into my lungs, and stand outside.
I hate this street, especially at night. I had the longest walk of my life, walking from my car to this building. Still hurts when I breathe sometimes, smoking makes me feel normal again.
The shadows of the buildings create dark crevasses where awful things like to hide. Sometimes if you walk for a bit and stare into the dark, eyes will stare back. I hate this place but it ain’t half as bad as the sewer cities.
I walk down the streets and keep looking over my shoulder; like I said my line of work you rattle a few cages. I spot a car parked a block down the road that I’ve never seen before, modern car, I know that much, looks like an electric shaver. The cars lights are off when it comes to life and slowly begins moving up the street. It must be rats because if it were cats they wouldn’t care to be seen. I know who the people in the car are after...

Well there it is, the end of your sneak. Hope you enjoyed the peak and you may ask to read the rest of the story. This may develop into a much larger expanded universe but so far the short story has a journey's end.

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