Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sneak peak SS 3

Here is a special sneak peak at a horror story I am currently writing;the story does not have a title at the moment. Its very much inspired by H.P. Lovecraft but I hope to lend my own voice and my own story to some familiar elements of his stories. Heres a quick look at page one. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. Please feel free to comment and let me know if youd like to read it finished. Enjoy


In the Memento

Where am I? Why am I coughing? My head is throbbing, why? I go feeling around my body and head but nothing appears to be hurt. Why does my head hurt so much? The lights in here are so bright. There are more people in this room. There are chairs and a table with a woman behind it, entrance and exit doors right next to it. The doors are window so I can tell its night outside, I look at the clock over my head; its 3:50 a.m. Where the hell am I? There is a TV in this room and people are watching it, the Titanic is on. The chairs are filed like a waiting room, what am I waiting for? Seems like a hospital. I don’t know who any of these people are. God, who am I? I can’t remember.

I get up out of my chair and start walking around the room, I pass by some of the people and they give me an annoyed look. I go straight from where I was sitting and take a right at the end of the row of chairs headed deeper into the “hospital”. There’s a door, as I begin to walk through the door the lady at the desk says “Hello? Excuse me sir, excuse me! You can’t go in there, that’s a staff only room.”
“I’m sorry I was looking for the bathroom, could you tell me where it is?”
“Yes sir, you see that hallway? Walk down it and then take a left and what you’re looking for should be right there. The bathroom isn’t what you’re really looking for though is it?”I give her a strange look and say,
“Thank you ma’am….”

Before I turn to walk down the hallway I notice the receptionists face. Its ---------------. I shake the creep going down my spine and begin walking down the hallway. Walls are a bit dirty and the hall is dimly lit, like it was lit by a single candle of the middle of the room. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand up. This hallway doesn’t want to end; it didn’t look this long a few minutes ago. All the rooms’ doors in the hallway are open with the lights turned off; I can’t see anything inside them. There are so many rooms. I look back to ask the receptionist for directions again and my eyes open wide. All that is behind me is darkness....

Well that's all you get guys. Hope you enjoyed it.

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